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About us
The Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research - Monaco
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Arctic Studies are a fast-growing field that increasingly draws media and public attention due to global warming and climate change.
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“Gateway to the Arctic” is an interdisciplinary forum for encounters of master students and early-stage researchers from different disciplines.
Jean Malaurie Bibliography
Discover the Master 2 Arctic studies program
CfA: PhD Scholarship in Arctic Humanities at MIARC, (University Paris-Saclay, France)
New Book: Representations of the West Nordic Isles: Greenland - Iceland - Faroe Island

Jean Malaurie

French cultural anthropologist, explorer, geographer, geomorphologist, and writer.

Quote Jean Malaurie: “Cultural diversity is a scientific reality which we must protect as much as possible, just like biodiversity. Otherwise, all of us in those megacities that keep on growing will become a people of ants, manipulated by words and images.”

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Jean Malaurie
Inuit sled dogs in the arctic


MIARC actively participates in various projects at national, bilateral and international level.

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Find here programmes of previous events, as well as other relevant documents.

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Collection of old historic books


Workshop on One Health issues in Sápmi, August 16-20, 2024

30 August 2024

The impact of climate change in Sápmi raises serious concern over One Health issues in the region. The hybrid workshop held in Inari and Kevo Research Station in the Utsjoki Municipality was dedicated to current environmental and public health challenges including cultural and identity issues.

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Olga Lauter – PhD defense about the urban Yup’ik in Alaska

2 July 2024

Olga Lauter, member of MIARC, will defend her PhD thesis entitled Renegotiation of Urban Yup’ik Traditions in Anchorage, Alaska this Friday, July 5, 2024, at 5pm CET.

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Discover Jean Malaurie’s complete bibliography

4 June 2024

The complete bibliography of Professor Jean Malaurie’ s works as well as texts written about and with him had been prepared by Alexandre Delangle (MIARC). It is available on MIARC’s website.  

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